Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Paper Market

     After listening to The Paper Market my opinion about Nick Mamatas has certainly changed. You can usually tell a lot about a person based on how they talk and present themselves. That tends to be more accurate than basing one's personality off of their writing or whatever else you choose. Honestly, my opinion of Nick Mamatas after reading his article, The Term Paper Artist, was that he was sort of stuck up and a English fiend. I also believed that he looked down upon those inferior than himself.
     Now that I have fully listened to the interview, I feel that I can make a more accurate conclusion about Nick Mamatas and who he really is. I must say that I am actually somewhat disappointed. He didn't talk or sound like anything I imagined, except for the fact that he still talked badly about his "dumb clients". Also, for someone who writes for a living, you would think that they would have better speaking skills. I'm just as guilty as the next person, but I find it less acceptable for someone like him to continuously use place holders such as like, uhm, and uh. I also can't believe that he would purposely send papers to college professors. I understand where he's coming from, but just because someone is rude to you, that doesn't mean you can just go meddling with their papers or class. They paid for your service after all and it's bad for business. Until I read or hear something to prove otherwise, I'm under the assumption that Nick Mamatas is nothing more than a big-headed bully.

1 comment:

  1. It's refreshing to see you notice, and be critical of, place holders (I call them "fillers"). Our culture is so plagued by fillers that most people no longer notice them.
    Here's to filler-free speech!
